Questions You May Have
How much will my tattoo cost?
It is always difficult to precisely predict the final cost of a piece. What impacts the cost of my work is the time spent in the chair. I work at a $225/hr rate. My max hours for a one day session is 7. The typical inner forearm tattoo takes about 5-7 hours of work. Day sessions cost from $1200-$1500.
How many sessions will it take to finish a full sleeve or half sleeve?
I book 6 full day sessions for a full sleeve and 3 for a half sleeve.
Do you use any color?
Do you do small tattoos?
Does my Deposit go toward the cost of the tattoo?
Yes, your deposit does go toward the total cost of the tattoo. However, it is not refundable.
How much is a deposit?
$100 holds one appointment date.
When can I go swimming?
I recommend waiting a minimum of three weeks after getting tattooed.